

happyGISCO is a simple interface API to Eurostat GISCO web-services.

The background motivation for happyGISCO implementation and development is developed in the following paper:

Grazzini J., Museux J.-M. and Hahn M. (2018): Empowering and interacting with statistical produsers: A practical example with Eurostat data as a service, in Proc. of Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders.

Ultimately, happyGISCO should be distributed as a lightweight containerized computing notebook where a Python kernel is running and where the module happygisco is distributed.

happyGISCO interface to GISCO service

Online documentation is available on readthedocs (this site): http://happygisco.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.


"project"         : "happyGISCO",
"package"         : "happygisco",
"url"             : "https://github.com/eurostat/happyGISCO",
"copyright"       : "European Union",
"organisation"    : "European Commission (EC - DG ESTAT)",
"date"            : "2018",
"author"          : "J. Grazzini",
"contact"         : "jacopo.grazzini@ec.europa.eu",
"license"         : "European Union Public Licence (EUPL)",
"version"         : "1.0",
"description"     : "Simple API to Eurostat GISCO web-services."